Thursday, January 7, 2010

-- S 10 -- Argument; PSR Strategies

-- W 10 -- TFY C9 Argument; CRCB C9 PSR (Preview, Study-Read, Review) Strategies

TFY Chapter Nine Argument

The skills of analyzing and writing arguments require some knowledge of every chapter concept studied this far. At this point you will be asked to integrate this learning while reviewing the structure of arguments and standards for judging arguments. Exercises in this chapter entail guidelines for analyzing arguments, distinguishing arguments from reports, separating reasons from conclusions, recognizing missing and false information. Writing applications challenge you to put all this knowledge together in a short persuasive argument. You will also begin your preparations for writing a final research paper. Final reading selections present different arguments on the issue of job outsourcing.

Chapter 9

ArgumentAn argument offers reasons to support a conclusion with the intent to persuade.
ConclusionA clear statement of what an argument intends to prove or has proven.
ConsistencyConsistency refers to standards of logical coherence as well as constancy.
ContradictionA contradiction refers to a part or parts inconsistent with, or illogical to, other parts.
Debate questionA debate question is a neutrally stated question designed to provide a focus for pro and con positions on an issue.
DiscrepancyA discrepancy, like an incongruity, is something that diverges from an expected standard.
False InformationFalse information refers to information that can be proven to be untrue.
Implied conclusionA conclusion understood but not explicitly stated.
InferTo use imagination and reasoning to fill in missing facts. To connect the dots.
IrreconcilableIrreconcilable are conflicting ideas, beliefs, or information that cannot coexist, such as contradictions.
IssueAn issue is a matter of dispute.
Missing InformationMissing information refers to essential information purposefully or inadvertently omitted from an argument or report.
OpinionOpinion is a word used to include an unsupported belief, a supported argument, an expert’s judgment, prevailing public sentiment, and a formal statement by a court.
Principal claim and reasonsThese are the two parts of an argument. The principal claim is the thesis or conclusion. The reasons support this claim through evidence or other claims. A claim is an assertion about something.
ReasonA statement offered to explain, justify, or support the conclusion.
ReportA report offers objective accounts of events and objective information.
ThinkingPurposeful mental activity such as reasoning, deciding, judging, believing, supposing, expecting, intending, recalling, remembering, visualizing, imagining, devising, inventing, concentrating, conceiving, considering.
TopicA topic is a subject that is written or spoken about.

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